Monday 8 November 2010

The Thing From Another World

My last post prompted reader Steven to ask about some of the Thing From Another World books, published by Dark Horse Comics back in the early '90s. They released a few mini-series', this short two-parter being the first (and probably best) of the bunch. The first issue's lurid cover art appears to be based on the demonic visage of the Norris monster from the movie.

This pseudo-sequel to Carpenter's film picks up immediately after the movie's conclusion: Mac and Childs suspiciously eyeing each other off amongst the burning ruins of Outpost 31, resigned to the inevitability of their fates - hypothermia or assimilation. The action in this story plays out entirely in Antarctica, a locale that the comic's writers would unwisely leave behind for future miniseries'... discouraging me from bothering to read any further. I'm not interested in seeing this ancient extraterrestrial depart the frozen wastes that it has haunted down the lonely aeons - entombed in primordial ice, patiently sleeping alongside it's literary brethren, the Elder Things. Hit the link to get weird and pissed off.



  1. That is one hell of a cool cover. Brilliant artwork! Definately one of Carpenter's best movies.

  2. Yeah it's a cool cover. I'm sure Bottin would approve.

  3. i found both of these for 50 cents each...i have the beginnings of another series, but like you, wasn't impressed. don't you think it would be a little cool to, i dunno, see the thing reach mainland somewhere? not as cool as being in the frozen wastes, but still...

  4. Ha! I have some of the later books, which are pretty cheesy and garish but still entertaining (to me at least). They sit well next to the "Snake Plissken Chronicles" in my collection...I wouldn't recommend them to everybody but they have their merits.

    Nice post, my friend.

  5. I found this comic in the depths of a drawer-of-stuff-you-put-away-when-you-became-a-man a few weeks back ! I wasn't a big comic guy in my teens but I did have a few issues of Hellraiser, Jihad (Cenobites vs Nightbreed), Faust, Deadworld, and Hellblazer...

  6. Doug, I dunno, it doesn't seem right to me, like seeing xenomorphs on earth. Places I'd like to see the thing: on a starship. aboard a ship or submarine.

    Abdul, always wondered what those Plissken comics were like, they look soooo cheesy.

    Wes, Hellraiser JIHAD?? that is hilarious.

  7. speaking of comics, have you been following Dark Horse's relaunch of CREEPY? it has been surprisingly good, but the 4 issues a year schedule kinda sucks.
    i also used to have the first 6 issues of the Night Breed comic also, but i traded them for a vhs copy of Bloodfeast and the DVD of I Spit On Your Grave...Lindsay says it was a bad trade but i don't think it was.

  8. and also, imagine the lovecraft story dagon....but throwing the thing in it. food for thought.

  9. Thanks Aylmer! Keep up the great work with the blog.

    Did you ever see Let Me In? Work was too much and I missed it in the first run theaters, but I've heard it was good. I'm interested in your take on it after your skeptical post on the subject.

  10. Doug, I'm not up on current comics at all. Like I said, I'm not an avid comic reader. Odd, seeing as how when I read them I always enjoy it. I'm gonna make some time for those Alan Moore Swamp Thing books in the near future though. Oh, and Dagon would be the victor ;)

    No problem Steven. Haven't seen Let Me In yet. So many movies to catch up on at the moment, it's not at the top of my list but I'll get around to it eventually.

  11. its kinda same as i seen on hentai.either way its cool tho
    i also watch hentai. and i love to play basketball also

  12. i like animes and i also watch hentai. and i love to play basketball also

    its kinda same as i seen on hentai.either way its cool tho
